Accreditation Rejection Letter Example

{Applicant’s Full Name}
{Applicant’s Company Name}
{#} {Street Name}
{City}, {State} {Zip Code}


IPQB {Foundation} Level Scheme in Photography
Accreditation Application for Training {Provider} and/or Training Course Owner {Center}

Dear {Applicant’s Name},

On behalf of the {National Board Initials} ({National Board Full Name}), I regret to inform you that the {National Board Initials} Accreditation Panel performed a review of your course material and application. The panel recommended to the {National Board Initials} Executive Board not to grant the requested accreditation for the course.

In its meeting on {Date}, the {National Board Initials} Executive Board accepted this recommendation.

Assessed Course Details

  • Rejected Course Director: {Applicant’s Full Name}
  • Course Material:
    • {Course Presentation/Handbook Name 1} (verX.ZZ)
    • {Course Presentation/Handbook Name 2} (verX.ZZ)
    • {Course Presentation/Handbook Name …N} (verX.ZZ)
  • Course Length: {X} days
    • Detailed breakdown available in the file: “Foundation Course Traceability to Syllabus (v2).xls”

The rejection of the course material accreditation is due to the following reasons:

  1. TBD
  2. TBD
  3. etc.

Appeal Process:
An appeal is only possible under exceptional circumstances and solely on the basis of factual errors in the evaluation. Please note that an appeal may incur additional costs.

You are invited to resubmit updated course material for reaccreditation after a waiting period of TBD months.

Kind regards,
{Accreditation Panel Chair Name}
On behalf of {National Board Initials}

{National Board Logo}
Accreditation Rejection Letter Example V2.0