
Improve & Certify your skills
Take a look at our portfolio of certifications and explore what will support your career in Photography

Whether you are new or already established in photography, IPQB certification will support you throughout your career.

IPQB certifications offer Training Providers multiple opportunities to extend their training course portfolios. Click on each certification for more information.

*** Under Development ****

Certified Photographer Foundation Level (CPFL)

The IPQB Certified Photographer Foundation Level (CPFL) certification establishes fundamental photography knowledge essential for practical application in real-world scenarios.

The program offers a globally standardized understanding of photography terminology and concepts, making it adaptable across diverse styles and techniques, including Portrait, Landscape, Wildlife, and Digital Photography.

Certified Photographer Advanced Level (CPAL)

*** Under Development ****

Certified Photographer Manager (CPML)

*** Under Development ****